Sunday, April 19, 2009

Civil Rights & Civil Liberties

Unit VI – Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

In this unit students will look at the rights that people have fought for and the liberties they have received through constitutional interpretation. Students will examine the struggle for equal rights fought by minority groups, and women. They will also look at rights denied by sexual orientation, age, or disability. They will also look at fundamental American liberties by focusing on the Bill of Rights and its incorporation through the Fourteenth Amendment to the states. These rights and liberties are of utmost concern because many are still being revisited by the current Supreme Court.

  • Constitutional Amendments and the Bill of Rights
  • First Amendment review relevant cases Supreme Court Cases
  • Fourth through Eighth Amendments and review relevant Supreme Court Cases
  • Due Process
  • Free Exercise Clause
  • Establishment Clause
  • Exclusionary Clause
  • Privacy Issue and Judicial decisions
  • Selective Incorporation and the Fourteenth Amendment
  • Women and Minority Groups and their battles for Civil Rights
  • Landmark Supreme Court Cases
  • Social Legislation

Essential Questions:
•Are civil liberties protected in times of crisis?
•What are the controversies surrounding the First Amendment?
•What are problems related to our Bill of Rights?
•Is Affirmative Action still needed today?
•What groups are still fighting for civil rights today?


Civil Rights
Civil Liberties


Bill of Rights

Civil liberties

Clear and present danger test

Direct incitement test

Due process clause

Due process rights

Establishment clause

Exclusionary rule

Free exercise clause

Incorporation doctrine


Miranda rights

Miranda v. Arizona(1966)

New York Times Co. v. Sullivan (1964)

Prior restraint

Right to privacy

Roe vs. Wade (1973)

Selective incorporation


Substantive due process

Symbolic speech

Affirmative action

Black Codes

Brown v. Board of Education (1954)

Civil Rights

Civil Rights Cases (1883)

De facto discrimination

De jure discrimination

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

Equal protection clause

Fifteenth Amendment

Fourteenth Amendment


Grandfather Clause

Jim Crow Laws

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

Strict scrutiny

Suffrage movement

Suspect classification

Thirteenth Amendment

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